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Identifying Polymorphism with In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy at Screening Scale

Please join Mark Kemper and our valued partner Dr. Thomas Kendall from Technobis Crystallization Systems as we co-host the webinar Identifying Polymorphism with In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy at Screening Scale and answer your questions next month on March 8.

Polymorphism in pharmaceutical active compounds (API) play a crucial role in final particle properties such as bioavailability, morphology, and dissolution rate with direct effect on important downstream decisions. Several methods can be used to detect and differentiate different polymorphs such as FTIR, XRPD and single crystal; however, Raman spectroscopy can be used in situ to monitor real time polymorphic transformations.

Please click the image below to read the abstract and register for this exciting webinar today.


If you would like to discuss your application and are considering adopting Raman spectroscopy as a process analytic technology, please contact us at [email protected].