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Raman Analyser for Process Analytics and Control

Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique, but Raman systems have traditionally been limited by a lack of sensitivity due to the input slit trade­off between resolution and throughput. What is unique about our technology is that the Tornado HyperFlux™ PRO Plus uses a proprietary HTVS™ ­enabled spectrometer to deliver better Raman sensitivity than ever before possible, designed to provide users with faster measurements (10x to 30x) for better process responsivity, better sensitivity for lower detection limits, and permitting reduction of the laser power without sacrificing performance. When compared to other systems, our spectrometers are designed to provide 10X photon throughput.

The scope of application extends into many industries such as: pharmaceuticalsoil & gas, plastic and polymers, bioprocessing, specialty chemical, and food and beverage process control. With a Tornado HyperFlux™ Raman Spectrometer, you can obtain faster measurements while catching manufacturing problems before they impact product quality.

Lab worker inspecting gauge on equipment


Two workers in hard hats walking past oil refinery pipes

Oil and Gas

Bio Processing

Two workers wearing PPEs, inspecting food and beverage equipment in lab

Food and Beverage Process Control

Hand holding up plastic beads

Plastics and Polymers

Industrial chemical factory - wide view outside


“Tornado, a Bruker Company’ outstanding speed and sensitivity enables our customers from chemical and pharmaceutical industry to implement PAT at it’s best!”

What our
clients say

– Sebastian, Analyticon Instruments GMBH